【미드 영어표현】오늘 포스팅에서는, 미드에서 나오는 영어표현의 세 가지 의미를 살펴봅시다:) 모두 ‘고'(nose)가 등장하는데, 오늘의 세 주인공은 다음과 같습니다: 1. on the nose 2. have one’s nose in a book 3. keep one’s nose clean 【미드 영어 표현】오늘 포스팅에서는, 미드에서 나오는 영어 표현의 3가지 의미를 살펴봅시다:) 모두 “고”(nose)가 등장하는데, 오늘의 3명의 주인공은 다음과 같습니다: 1. on the nose 2. have one’s nose in a book 3. keep one’s nose clean
먼저 지문을 읽고 무슨 뜻인지 생각하고 보세요:)”on the nose”:The clock struck twelve o’clock right on the nose.The bus arrived at the stop on the nose, just as the schedule said it would.”Keep one’s nose clean”:Tommy promised his mom he’d keep his nose clean while she was away.Sarah knew that if she wanted to stay out of trouble, she had to keep her nose clean at school.”Have one’s nose in a book”:Emily always has her nose in a book during long car rides.Instead of playing outside, Tim prefers to have his nose in a book, exploring new adventures through stories.먼저 지문을 읽고 무슨 뜻인지 생각하고 보세요:)”on the nose”:The clock struck twelve o’clock right on the nose.The bus arrived at the stop on the nose, just as the schedule said it would.”Keep one’s nose clean”:Tommy promised his mom he’d keep his nose clean while she was away.Sarah knew that if she wanted to stay out of trouble, she had to keep her nose clean at school.”Have one’s nose in a book”:Emily always has her nose in a book during long car rides.Instead of playing outside, Tim prefers to have his nose in a book, exploring new adventures through stories.

1. on the nose 1. on the nose
Series 05 Episode 04 – The Wiggly Finger Catalyst | Big Bang Theory Transcripts (wordpress.com) Series 05 Episode 04 – The Wiggly Finger Catalyst | Big Bang Theory Transcripts (wordpress.com)

keep one’s noseclean: to avoid getting into trouble 문제를 일으키지 않는다: 코를 깨끗하게 유지한다는 이 표현은 ‘문제에 휘말리지 않는다’, ‘문제가 될 만한 일을 하지 않는다’, ‘얌전히 있다’, ‘몸을 반듯하게 한다’라는 정도의 의미입니다. 🙂 keep one’s noseclean: to avoid getting into trouble 문제를 일으키지 않는다:: 코를 깨끗하게 유지한다는 이 표현은 ‘문제에 휘말리지 않는다’, ‘문제가 될 만한 일을 하지 않는다’, ‘얌전히 있다’, ‘몸을 반듯하게 한다’는 정도의 의미입니다. 🙂

have one’s nose in a book: to be reading, to read books all the time 읽고 있는, 항상 책을 읽는다: 책을 코에 꽂고 있는 느낌이기 때문에 정말 집중하고 있는 느낌이지요? 매일 책을 읽는 사람들을 묘사할 때 자주 사용합니다! 책을 코에 박고 있다→책을 읽다/독서에 열중하는 책벌레다 She always has her nose in a book? have one’s nose in a book: to be reading, to read books all the time 읽고 있는, 항상 책을 읽는다: 책을 코에 꽂고 있는 느낌이기 때문에 정말 집중하고 있는 느낌이지요? 매일 책을 읽는 사람들을 묘사할 때 자주 사용합니다! 책을 코에 박고 있다→책을 읽다/독서에 열중하는 책벌레다 She always has her nose in a book?
“On the nose”:Person A:”Did you guess the number of candies in the jar?”Person B:”Yeah, I got it right on the nose!There were exactly 50 candies in there.”Friend:”How’s the new recipe you tried?”Cook:”It turned out perfect, right on the nose.The instructions were spot on.”*instruction의 지시 사항/spot on딱 맞는정확한 Teacher:”Can anyone tell me the capital of France?”Student:”Paris!Got it on the nose!””Keep one’s nose clean”:Parent:”You’re going to your cousin’s party tonight, remember what we talked about.”Teenager:”Yeah, yeah, I’ll keep my nose clean, don’t worry.”Boss:”We’re going to have some important clients visiting tomorrow.I need everyone to keep their noses clean.”Employee:”Understood, I’ll make sure everything is in order.”Coach:”We’ve got a big game this weekend.Stay focused and keep your noses clean on and off the field.”Athlete:”Absolutely, coach.No distractions, just the game.””Have one’s nose in a book”:Friend:”Hey, wanna go grab some lunch?”Bookworm:”Can’t, sorry.I have my nose in a book right now.”Parent:”You’ve been quiet all day.What have you been up to?”Child:”Just had my nose in a book, Mom.This story is too good to put down.”Roommate:”Are you ever going to finish that book and join us for movie night?”Book lover:”Sorry, I can’t help it.Once I have my nose in a book, I’m hooked!””On the nose”:Person A:”Did you guess the number of candies in the jar?”Person B:”Yeah, I got it right on the nose!There were exactly 50 candies in there.”Friend:”How’s the new recipe you tried?”Cook:”It turned out perfect, right on the nose.The instructions were spot on.”*instruction의 지시 사항/spot on딱 맞는정확한 Teacher:”Can anyone tell me the capital of France?”Student:”Paris!Got it on the nose!””Keep one’s nose clean”:Parent:”You’re going to your cousin’s party tonight, remember what we talked about.”Teenager:”Yeah, yeah, I’ll keep my nose clean, don’t worry.”Boss:”We’re going to have some important clients visiting tomorrow.I need everyone to keep their noses clean.”Employee:”Understood, I’ll make sure everything is in order.”Coach:”We’ve got a big game this weekend.Stay focused and keep your noses clean on and off the field.”Athlete:”Absolutely, coach.No distractions, just the game.””Have one’s nose in a book”:Friend:”Hey, wanna go grab some lunch?”Bookworm:”Can’t, sorry.I have my nose in a book right now.”Parent:”You’ve been quiet all day.What have you been up to?”Child:”Just had my nose in a book, Mom.This story is too good to put down.”Roommate:”Are you ever going to finish that book and join us for movie night?”Book lover:”Sorry, I can’t help it.Once I have my nose in a book, I’m hooked!”
FOMO, FOBO, FWB의 의미를 볼까요? =) FOMO, FOBO, FWB의 의미를 살펴볼까요? =)
fwb의 의미 (FOMO, FOBO의 의미까지 정리해서 알아봅시다! 안녕하세요. 박리스입니다. 🙂 오늘 포스팅에서는, F로 시작하는 영어의 약어 3가지를 알아보도록 하겠습니다…blog.naver.com fwb의 의미(FOMO, FOBO의 의미까지 정리해서 알아보겠습니다! 안녕하세요. 박리스입니다. 🙂 오늘 포스팅에서는, F로 시작하는 영어의 약어 3가지를 알아보도록 하자…blog.naver.com