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You have a good sense of taking pictures, but maybe because you’re a tall model, you can strike a pose or make a sharp angle that looks good on you. You seem to know these things very well, so there’s a lot to learn from your recent fashion!And I think one of the fashion items that was often seen in Joo Woo-jae’s recent fashion is the ball cap. I tend to use it as a manner item because I’m embarrassed when I don’t wash my hair, and I don’t want other people to smell my hair, but seeing that I used it in my recent fashion, I really used it well. It showed off its coolness by matching a chic leather jacket with a chic black fabric jacket. The worn ball cap is called MLB Cultiv Ball cap..Come to think of it, there were so many variety shows and award-winning performances that I thought you lived your life hard. I was surprised that she played the role of a flower beggar in Gangnam Soon, a strong woman, but her acting was more stable than I thought. (She looked a little similar to her usual variety shows, but she didn’t hurt the play because she didn’t have a sense of difference.) Anyway, you’re curious about what it would be like in her daily life, right? As you know, Joo Woo-jae’s recent fashion is always a hot topic…!He seems to use Instagram often and well. He doesn’t just enjoy one style, but he also looks like the standard boyfriend look because he looks good in various styles. It’s important to pull off one style properly, but he also looks like an all-rounder. I think it’s really good. I was wondering if that wavy hair looks good on him, but he did a good job with a nerdy image. That’s probably because he’s a model, but I think he has a great proportion, tall height, and natural fashion senseThe pictures that come out so well even if you take them from top to bottom with y2k sensitivity lol, I thought a good subject was the answer lol, I’ve looked into the fashion, age, and height of Woojae, the trend these days. If you’re curious about what he’s up to, please subscribe to @open28 InstagramI like variety shows, but I neglected to do variety shows for a while after the martial arts. It doesn’t feel like there’s much to watch, and long-lived entertainment programs have similar formats, so I didn’t feel very funny. Then I just turned the channel around and watched it, and I saw what he was doing when he played, and it was so funny lol. Was Joo Woo-jae originally here, too? I looked it up as the number of people who joined later, but compared to the previous one, his humor code fits well with me. Anyway, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen him play these days, and he’s been talking about something. I realized that he has this kind of charm! Today, I’ll start with his profile, which I’m curious about, and tell you what he’s up to now, fashion, age, and heightIn the car, it was also filmed in Elbe, and it looked really good on me. Looking at it, I think Joo Woo-jae likes to be photographed, but he also likes to take pictures of himself. I admit that the subject is good… lolIt’s a picture of Joo Woo-jae that comes up when you search on the portal. The first celebrity I’ve seen since I came to Seoul is Joo Woo-jae. It was before it came up as much as it was then, but it’s already been established as a model and it’s about time to start being an entertainer. It’s really small, tall, and skinny face lolIn addition, if you go to Joo Woo-jae’s Instagram, you can see a variety of recent fashion. He looks good in everything without covering his style. lol. In something to play with, the older members are busy making fun of him, but he was very big and had a good style.

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