체험단 일기 2024년 1월 다섯째 주

Selected for the Elementary Math Training Book

There was a comment asking me to delete the picture on Wednesday, January 31, 2024. I looked at my phone and saw a secret comment, which I couldn’t express in words, whether it was a dingdong or a beeping sound. At the moment, my heart sank, and I was weak. He posted a picture of himself without permission. Yes, I just took it. What should I say after that? I thought about revising it, but I put it as “sorry” to make him feel better. I should bend it first. What should I do? I was wondering if I should put it up as it was or cover it up. I just had to blur it out with a mosaic. It’s my problem. I’m just messing around. Let’s not follow the train from now on.Two books that I applied for on Sunday, February 4, 2024 on PopStation were selected. Oh, it’s a children’s book, and the other one is “Hell Elementary School.” It seems that the book was written for children who should be interested in math but can’t enjoy it. It reminds me of my elementary school math learning. It was fun and difficult. I remember that I was solving problems by myself while moaning. It was easy to have a problem-solving book.Friday, Feb. 2, 2024, Experience Team will only do it if there’s something they really want to eat. Choose it when it’s better to go somewhere and get some fresh air than eat it at home. I’ve applied for four. I don’t know if it’s going to drop or not, but this is also a driving force in my life. I ordered a pizza. It means the same thing as I requested. Here’s Jeonpo-dong. 319 people applied for the recruitment of three people. Stupid, 90% chance of falling.Saturday, Feb. 3, 2024 Oh my gosh, I didn’t write down my Saturday diary. Oh my gosh, somehow it looked like something was missing yesterday, but there wasn’t much to write about.You’ve been selected as a hell elementary school. Please review and register for content. This time, I’ll focus and write hard. This is a mindset. ㅍCampaign Selection NotificationIt’s nice to write down the diary of the Tuesday 30 January 2024 Experience Group on a weekly basis. I slept a lot today. If I don’t wake up at the time I have to wake up, I dream. I don’t know what it is, but it seems like I had a dream of the Experience Group. Sometimes I dream about writing on a blog. Maybe I’m working hard. Do you even dream. After registering for a review, I get a text message that needs to be modified. It’s very occasionally. I was asked to write only the FTC phrase without the banner. I can guess what to do roughly, but I decided to copy others. I searched it on Naver and put the name of the restaurant I went to. Click on someone else’s post other than mine. Look at the bottom. This post was written by receiving service from the company. This is the FTC phrase. It’s simple. You can even replace it with a sticker. Then, you just have to click. Should I buy it to put a sticker on it? It was about 1,500 won. Should I make it and sell it, it’s better to just put it in text.The book will come tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. I’m fully prepared.Monday, January 29, 2024, a month goes by fast. The fifth week has already begun. I looked at Kakaotalk in the morning and found the review note at the top. Oh, then it means I won something. What is it? There are no announcements, but it turns out that everyone’s hot pot has been selected. Additionally, it was selected. Come to think of it, I applied for a hot pot for everyone in Songdo, but there was no message that it was not selected on the day of the announcement. I thought it was weird, but I guess there was such a system that an additional selection can be made. There was a case like this when there was an additional selection before. Long no, nothing is in the air, and if you don’t see the requested list, you can decide that it will be “additional selection”. I’m happy that one was selected.

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