최근 들은 웨비나 중에 가장 좋았던 것 : 고양이에게 있어 수분 유지의 임상적 중요성 – 신질환 등의 질병과의 연관성

Let’s look at the results of cross-research with four diets. We prepared four foods that had the same nutritional composition but different water content. And we compared the daily water intake. As you can see in the diagram above, the 72% water intake was higher in the diet compared to other diets. The important thing here is that there was no significant difference in the amount of water consumed, either the 6% water intake or the 53% water intake. So, even adding more water to the dry diet may not have a significant effect on the absorption and retention of water in the body. I was most surprised when Professor Sparker pointed this out while listening to the lecture.Although there are individual differences in age, gender, body fat content, and so on, 60 percent of cats’ bodies are made up of water. This water is two-thirds ICF (IntraCellular Fluid) and one-third ECF (ExtraCellular Fluid). And then again, 25 percent of ECF is in plasma and the remaining 75 percent in cells (interstitial).Additionally, we compared three studies that tested intake using water-flowing devices or fountains, but there was no significant difference. Therefore, it depends on the individual preference of each cat.Then, let’s find out how moisture affects the quality of life of cats to the progression of CKD. First, the rat’s kidneys were resected 5/6 to artificially induce CKD. And when high moisture was ingested, AVP decreased and CKD progressed slowly. In addition, intermittent water limitation to mice with high blood pressure increased blood pressure, caused multiple kidney damage, and accelerated CKD progression.Diet plays an important role in the management of diabetes. Diabetes is not a disease caused by diet, but a disease that responds by diet. It is characterized by polyuria induced by sugar, which is indispensable. For proper clinical management, it is recommended to eat wet foods as much as possible to prevent pathological weight loss, correct obesity, and support polyuria.So feeding a 73% water diet increases total water intake and urine volume, lowers USG, reduces the formation rate of streubite and calcium oxalate crystals, and clearly contributes to the management of lower urinary tract diseases. But even feeding a 73% water content diet may not achieve the desired USG on its own. Wait, here I’ll quote directly from Professor Sparker, “Feeding wet food clear case a way that’s possible to increase total water intake.”Conservation of water in the body is very important in the case of lower urinary tract diseases where crystals form. This is because strubites only form when the USG is 1.030 or higher. However, the easiest way to reduce urination weight is through water intake. And the intake of water increases the amount of urine accumulated in the bladder, which facilitates urination. In the meantime, they don’t allow urine to stay in the bladder long enough to form crystals. Therefore, it doesn’t provide an opportunity for crystals to form at all.Then, should we think about whether cats are poorer first drives? As it is known, cats are less sensitive to dehydration. There is an opinion that the reason is that cats originated in the desert. So, they drink less water and absorb water through food. As a result, they are less sensitive to thirst than humans and dogs, but the important thing is that it doesn’t mean it’s okay to drink less water.Next, let’s look at a study comparing intake by adjusting the viscosity of water. It has been shown that increasing viscosity by adding 1% methyl cellulose to water increased intake in the long and short term, and eventually contributed to lowering USG. This is probably because the inefficiency of cat water intake, which was confirmed in the introduction, improved due to the viscosity of water, and the intake itself increased. For example, if you could take 2 ml of regular water once, you would take 2.5 ml of water per lick of viscous water. Therefore, this can be seen as a mechanism caused by the viscosity of water itself, which is not related to preference.So if you look at the background drive, it can’t be true that the cat can’t be true because the cat is inefficient to eat moisture.In other words, it means that it is unnecessary, so it’s not just drink water or slowly eating water, so it is inefficient to eat water slowly because it is inefficient.And even if the cat is a po drive, it is not important.This is because it is a clinical problem of dehydration or low moisture rotation rate, and also shows low moisture rotation rate.Diabetes is a third disease that affects the body’s water balance. The prevalence of cat diabetes is increasing rapidly with modern times. According to a wide-area study conducted in the United States, it has been reported to occur frequently in middle-aged graves.50-73% of the disease is FIC, or idiopathic cystitis.Clinical importance of maintaining moisture in catsThere is a common way to check dehydration called skin togo (tenting). In addition, you can check dehydration through skin conditions, eye conditions, heart rate, and breathing.Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is the second leading cause of cat death, according to a wide-area study conducted in the U.K. Extensive research in the U.S. has shown that the prevalence rate also increases with age.Here, a brief explanation of metabolic water appears, which refers to the moisture produced in the process of metabolizing energy-producing macronutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Protein generates 41 ml, fat 107 ml, and carbohydrates 60 ml, respectively, per 100 g. This metabolic water is not a very important part of an animal’s water retention because it accounts for about 5 to 10% of the water required by an animal, and it is not a process of directly consuming water through drinking water or food. However, since 5 to 10% of the required water content is generated even if there is no actual drinking water, assuming that the amount required per day is 200 ml, it is meaningful that it does not necessarily have to be filled.Now, let’s interpret dehydration from a physiological point of view. The dehydration of the body basically proceeds with different processes in both the ECF and the ICF that appeared earlier. ICF: When dehydration occurs, the proportion of dry Matter in the blood increases, and the concentration of osmol increases. Then, the osmotic receptors in the hypothalamus are stimulated, and the sensor that makes the brain thirsty operates. And since the amount of water that is released from the body needs to be reduced, the volume receptor that regulates the amount of blood that is stimulated increases the reabsorption of water in the kidneys to reduce the amount of urine produced by discharging the AVP (Arginine Vasopressin, antidiuretic hormone secreted from the occipital lobe of the pituitary). Through this process, we maintain a normal state of water. ECF: When dehydration occurs, the amount of blood itself decreases. Then the amount of plasma will decrease. As the amount of blood itself decreases, so does the blood pressure. In this situation, the volume receptors that control the amount of blood are stimulated. This causes the renin angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS) to secrete angiotensin 2 in order to increase the amount of blood. This angiotensin 2 constricts the peripheral blood vessels and causes the adrenal cortex to secrete aldosterone, which reabsorbs water and increases blood circulation. It also increases the absorption of sodium in the kidneys. Through this process, ECF also corrects dehydration to maintain normal water conditions.So you have to choose a high-quality product for a commercial diet, although pets prefer dry food for convenience, and some cats tend to be picky.The second disease to look at in relation to hydration is hyperthyroidism. A long-standing broadband study of hyperthyroidism has shown that about 3-4 percent of cats in the United States develop. It has also been confirmed that the prevalence increases with age.As he begins his lecture, he says that he will look at three main sections to explain the importance of maintaining moisture in cats. The first part, “Moisture: Maintenance, superstition, and Misunderstanding,” begins.Of course, there are a lot of factors that affect cystitis besides water, and you have to think about the role of water. Therefore, care is carried out in various aspects, and it is usually based on high quality diet and stress management. And the goal should be to lower the USG (urinary percentage) below 1.030.There is one study to think about whether the type of water is a problem. Each cat was given tap water and water purifier, and we observed its intake and habits. – Intake: Tap water (21 ml), Water purifier (16 ml) – Intake time: Day (39 ml), Night (7 ml) If you check what caused the cat to drink more water, you can think of the presence of chlorine. However, the study does not have high preference for tap water itself, as the number of cats participated was small, the study period was short, and the possibility that cats that had originally eaten tap water were recruited.This is the webinar that I heard from clinician’s brief today, which was the best one I’ve ever attended. Vets in the United States need to get an annual CE credit to maintain their license, but it’s also well prepared because clinician’s brief lectures provide CE credit. This place does not give you an attendance test just because you participate in a class, but it does provide a test after the class.To take a deeper look at this water retention, it’s like the image above. Osmoreceptor releases AVP from the hypothalamus, stimulating the thirst center of the cerebrum. In Kidney, renin is released, leading to an increase in the concentration of angiotensin 2 and aldosterone. In addition, in Pharynx and Intestine, water intake is stimulated early. Meanwhile, AVP, an antidiuretic hormone, acts directly on the kidneys. It reabsorbs water by starring Aquaporin, a membrane protein that moves water, and constricts the efferent arteriolar, increasing GFP. And it also stimulates the thirst center. If you look at the image on the side, you can see the absorption of water in the collection tube of the kidneys under the influence of AVP. If Aquaporin (AQP) blisters inside the customs, water moves from the lumen to the blood.The last of the cat’s diseases affected by water balance in the body is lower urinary tract disease. Lower urinary tract disease has emerged as one of the leading causes of hospital visits in a long-term, wide-area study in the United Kingdom.I got a perfect score on the test and received another evaluation. LOL. There was a catch that the test was five questions. LOL. I know everything about it, but I thought it was a good lecture because they gathered clinical evidence needed for explanation and presented it well. So I wanted to introduce it to you, so I watched it all and watched it again for capture. Perhaps you will feel it is a good lecture. I was surprised that this person was good at teaching because he made the material so neat and easy to convey. And although there is talk about cats, it will probably help a lot for dog owners because dogs are the same in terms of dehydration.Let’s check the “taste of water” as the last factor that can affect water intake. This water is said to be manufactured by Purina, the sponsor of this lecture, and I’ve stopped talking about it and didn’t explain the product further. It’s a product of adding glycerol, organic matter, and amino acids to water. Comparing tap water with the intake of this nutrient-rich product increased intake and USG decreased.감지된 언어가 없습니다.

입력 언어를 확인해 주세요.Water balance means that the amount of water consumed is discharged. There are three main ways to consume water: 1. Dietary, 2. Negative, 3. Metabolic water (about 5-10% of the total water intake). And the method for calculating the amount of water required is 1. Dietary standard: 40-60ml/kg/BW, 2. Dietary standard: 2-3ml per DM/g, 3. There are three standard of energy required: 1ml per 1kcal. This amount of water consumed is usually excreted from the body through urine, feces, and evaporation from sweat or skin. So when the amount of water consumed is the same as the amount of water discharged, we talk about animals achieving water balance in the body.So dehydration should be recognized as a problem, risk factors should be evaluated, and prescriptions should be considered.To do that, we need to look at ways to encourage cats to drink water — proper placement of clean water — providing at least one water bowl per cat — placing water bowls away from rice bowls and restrooms — no plastic bowls — use large, shallow bowls — water should always be full — you can try the method above in your home — and also look at the taste of water and the type of water you provide.So let’s take a look at what are the criteria for choosing a commercial diet and why they emphasize about wetness. Numerous studies have achieved clinically meaningful results by comparing DCF (Dry Cat Food) and WCF (Wet Cat Food). The diagram above represents the total daily amount of water consumed by cats, respectively, when DCF (green) and WCF (purple). At first glance, it seems like you are drinking more water when you eat dry food, and when you actually compare your daily water intake, you can see that you are up to three times more likely to consume wet food. So that would explain the basic reason to consume wet food.If we take a deeper look at this again, we can refer to another study in mice and humans. First, increasing the water content in the body of mice suffering from CKD reduced the rate of kidney damage and reduced mortality. In addition, cyst lesions decreased in the case of PKD. In a study of humans suffering from CKD, dehydration occurred when water intake was reduced, which caused CKD. Through this study, we were able to confirm that water intake reduces AVP, affecting both the progression and development of kidney disease. In the end, proper water intake itself has the effect of protecting the kidneys.Hyperthyroidism is characterized by polyuria. The circulation of aquaporin 1&2, the membrane protein that moves water, decreases, and hormones increase blood pressure and carbon monoxide in the body. This increased blood pressure increases blood flow to the kidneys, which leads to an overload of glomeruli. In addition, because it is a disease characterized by polyphagia, an increase in the amount of waste caused by catabolism of food also acts as a factor in affecting the kidneys. And the polyuria symptoms that follow fatefully lead to dehydration. In the end, this situation can also be related to the development of kidney disease. Therefore, water balance also has a major effect on hyperthyroidism.Looking at the control study dealing with FIC, it was found that 39% of the cats that consumed the dry diet developed FIC and 11% of the cats that consumed the wet diet, and that the water intake itself affected the expression of the disease.And what’s more important is that even if you’ve been fed a diet with 73% water content, you don’t end up reaching the target USG of 1.030. So, even though you’ve been fed wet, you’ve got to add more water to it.Cystitis associated with crystals (such as stones, including sludge) is 25-50% of cases where the bladder and urinary tract have plugs. Usually, 90% of the plugs are in the form of strubytes or calcium oxalates.If you look at how these crystals form, the components in the urine eventually form clumps. And once they are formed, they grow in size within the bladder or urethra. Although the contents of the urine are clumps, they are also affected by factors that can or can interfere with the formation. The most influential of them is the pH of the urine.That’s why we need to be careful about water intake. This means that maintaining moisture occurs effectively in healthy graves, and also forms well in concentrated urine. And all of this happens based on eating. But as we’ve seen above, age affects, and disease also affects this moisture balance. So we need to adjust our diets so that we can maintain moisture balance even in old age and disease situations. In fact, both the commercial dryness and the wetness that our modern companions are paying is far from what cats ate in the wild.Now, let’s take a look at the second part of this lecture, the effect of dehydration on disease.Now, let’s look at the last chapter of this lecture, how to encourage voluntary water intake.So what’s the relationship between aged seedlings and water balance. Cats also have a rapid decrease in LBM, which is a moisture sink, as they age, so the amount of water storage in the body also decreases.For cats that are this low-sensitivity to thirst, they reabsorb water from their kidneys to maintain water retention. Therefore, we see dysuria with a higher USG (nursing ratio) than humans and dogs.In addition, there are various other diseases that cause water discharge and dehydration.According to a statistical study of dehydrated dogs and cats that visited the ICU at the U.S. Veterinary University, there was a change in the weight of dogs and cats after the correction of dehydration. And these results suggest that despite the limited circumstances of the study, dehydration is a serious clinical problem.The clinical symptoms of hyperthyroidism include weight loss, polyphagia, hyperactivity, tachycardia, next/polyuria, soft stool, and loss of appetite. The reason why the expression rate of clinical symptoms seems to have decreased more recently than before is due to the development of veterinary medicine and early diagnosis related to routine medical checkups.Struvite can be dissolved. But calcium oxalate can’t be dissolved. So, even though it’s unstable, we have to look at the metastable range that we’re trying to stabilize from there. We have to make sure that it doesn’t form at all. After all, the main thing for that is the intake of water, and it’s better to wet it for this.

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